Who We Are

Joan Martin, Principal

Specialist in the area of Strategy, Finance & Operations for small- to medium-sized businesses (<$500M revenues, <100 employees). Joan has been in business for over 27 years with an MBA degree in Business and Finance from Columbia University. Joan has a wide range of experience with companies looking to manage their own growth or raise financing either through banks, friends & family, Angel Funds, Venture Capital, Private Equity and Investment Banks. All businesses need thorough financials for operating or presentation to others. She assists with the strategy and modeling to achieve proper business functionality and financing when needed. If necessary, Joan can conduct the Due Diligence of target companies for Acquisitions. If operational issues stand in the way of a company’s progress, Joan’s experience as Controller, CFO and COO for small, medium and large companies helps her to apply solutions with great results.


Business problem-solving, turn-arounds, change management, visioneer.